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Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer pour Juin 2020 le 9eme congrès mondial de psychothérapie qui se tiendra à St Pétersbourg et à Moscou sur le thème « La planète des psychothérapies ».
Le Pr Mikhail Reshetnikov présentera avec Sophie de Mijolla-Mellor la conference du 28 Juin sur la pasychanalyse.
Le pré congrès inclut un voyage en bateau de Moscou à St Petersbourg et le post-congrès une visite du lac Baikal et des montagnes de l’Altaï.
Achetez vos places : Cliquez ici
An agreement for scientific cooperation in the field of psychoanalysis has been concluded on 2018 September 1st between:
The International Association for Interactions of Psychoanalysis (A2IP ) represented by its president Pr Sophie de Mijolla-Mellor
The Russian branch of the European Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies represented by its President Pr Mikhail Reshetnikov.
The scientific project - linked to the original perspective of “interactions” -studies the relationships of psychoanalysis with other fields of knowledge and therefore tends to give psychoanalysis its place in the present and in the horizon of civilizations.
The goal of this approach is basically to work on complementarities and an approach considering historical and geographical, or even geopolitical dimensions to expand and to question the notion of "malaise in the culture."
The notion of 'interactions of psychoanalysis' is heard on three complementary levels:
- Interactions between cultures:
What is that psychoanalysis has learned about itself in exporting outside its scope of origin to different cultures, in being forced to respond to questions which were not those of its founders?
- Interactions between methods:
Practice tests, group therapy, family, couple, psychodrama, etc.: How can they combine in a fruitful and complementary way around an object that is the suffering of the patient?
- Interactions between disciplines:
Unlike an imperialist position of a psychoanalysis 'applied' to the cultural objects, how to support the position of a psychoanalysis that "participates" among the various disciplines to understand human reality both individual and collective?
Learning from others by exchanging but also meeting their irreducible specificity is a way to push forward psychoanalysis by considering the reciprocal impact thus made possible with various models of representation of the psychic life.
This cooperation aims to foster studies and publications, organize national and international conferences and confirm international relations with Russia.
It will rely on the concept of interdisciplinarity as it appears today more than ever as necessary to advance research.
IAIP’s researches are regularly published:
- in French TOPIQUE, a review recognized by international scientific standards which publishes three volumes per year.
- In English in Topique online
A2IP - Association Internationale Interactions de la Psychanalyse
8 rue du Cdt Mouchotte,
75014 PARIS