International Association Interactions of




The International Association Interactions of Psychoanalysis is a non-profit scientific association, governed by the law of 1901 created on June 12th  2011 in Paris, France.


Siret Number : 34906112700024.

Its head office is located in Paris : 8 rue du Commandant René Mouchotte, 75014, France.

Email :



Presentation of the objectives of the Association 


The Association wishes to constitute the synthesis of a dual dynamic of research, that of the history of psychoanalysis and of its interactions with other fields of knowledge.

These two fields have been investigated, respectively, through publications and conferences in the IAIP (non-profit organization) and the research group "Interactions of Psychoanalysis" (University Research Team Paris 7 Denis Diderot).

The A2IP proposes to continue this work based on an extension of its scope, which now includes the study of the relationships of psychoanalysis with other fields of knowledge. Therefore, its vision is not only historical but also prospective, giving psychoanalysis its place in the present and in the horizon of civilizations.

This perspective, which was already that of Freud in 1913 (Das Interesse an der Psychoanalyse), is based on a university research group, established in 1990 at the University Paris 7 by Pr S. de Mijolla-Mellor, named "Interactions of Psychoanalysis", affiliated with the Graduate School "Research in Psychoanalysis and Psychopathology" at the University of Paris Diderot.

This group has fostered many studies and publications, it has organized national and international conferences and established international links with several foreign universities with which it has been working regularly ever since.

Since the beginning, its identity relies on the concept of interdisciplinarity as it appears today more than ever as necessary to advance research.

The common axis that brings together the researches conducted within this group is epistemological, aiming to study, in all of their forms, the effects within psychoanalysis of the importation of models from several human sciences and fields of the culture. It is therefore not "applied psychoanalysis", but a new approach taking into account not only the impact and implications of the Freudian discovery of the unconscious within the Human Sciences, but also the effects the models specific to these areas have on psychoanalysis itself, as a method and theory of cure.

Thus we will work the mutual penetration of the concepts, the specificity of the fields of knowledge, their eventual impermeability and therefore the potential limitations of these interactions.


The focal areas an extension of this research that will lead to :

  • Bi-annual scientific conferences.
  • One international symposium every two years or more.
  • Seminars and work groups monthly or bimonthly.


IAIP’s researches will be regularly published in the journal TOPIQUE (journal skills by scientific standards which publishes four volumes per year.


Membership in the IAIP 


  • The Members include anyone (psychoanalyst or not) that makes the request and pays the annual fee of the current year, without any exceptions.
  • There is a single category of active members.
  • Those who wish to do so, may ask to be a member of the scientific Committee on a national or international level.
  • They may, at discretion, become part of one of the existing work groups in one of the diverse areas of research or propose a new theme in connection with the objectives of the IAIP. The researches, according to their progress, may become afterwards the theme of a wider scientific meeting  as well of as publication.
  • They will be consulted by the Office to take part, if they wish so, in the preparation of the program and the specific interventions in the scientific days and in the international colloquiums. - Every axis is hosted by a member who takes care of the interface between the group concerned and the Office.
  • The amount of the annual contribution in 2012 is of  60 € and 30 € for students on documentary evidence.
  • Groups (associations, libraries, etc.) can also become members.
  • To join : send a request to the e-mail address of the AIIP and a post with check of contribution drawn up to AIIP, sent to : Mr Guy Mérigot, 32 bis bd de Picpus, 75012 Paris.



Board of the IAIP in France 



Chair : Sophie de Mijolla-Mellor

Vice-chair: Jacques Sédat

General Secretary : Guy Mérigot

Finance : Dominique Fessaguet

Website :Pablo Bergami

Communication : Simruy Ikiz

Organisation of congresses : Saïd Bellahkdar and Caroline Saupique

International contacts: Sophie de Mijolla-Mellor& the team of translators



The Board manages the Association and consults the Members regularly about its scientific program.

It takes advice from the scientific Committee to decide on the contents and on the announcement of the seminars and of the work days in France and of the international scientific Committee to organize every other year International reunions and concerted actions of scientific collaboration in general.


Scientific committee in France 

Frédéric Advenier, Branko Aleksić,  Nader Barzin, Roseline Bonnellier, Joëlle Bordet, Anne Brun,

Robert Colin, Xanthoula Dakovanou, Olivier Douville, Francis Drossart, Nicolas Gougoulis,

Florian Houssier, Vassilis Kapsambélis, Alain de Mijolla, Sydney Lévy, Ségolène Payan, Jacques Perget, Anne Perret, Jean Peuch-Lestrade, Gérard Reynier Alain Vanier, Loïc Villerbu, , JeanMichel Vives, Daniel Zagury.



International Collaborations 


Marilia Arreguy (Brésil),  Maurizio Balsamo (Italie), Jallil Bennani

(Maroc), Harold Blum (USA), Jerry Blackman (USA), Mounir Chamoun (Liban), Jean Clam (Allemagne), Xanthoula Dakovanou (Grece), Alf Gerlach (Allemagne), Tevfika Ikiz (Turquie), Daniel Kuperman (Brésil), Renato

Mezan (Brésil), André Michels (Luxembourg), Mouzayan Osseiran Houballah (Liban), Riad Ben Rejeb (Tunisie), Lorena Preta (Italie),  Nelson da Silva Junior (Brésil), Esmat Torghashghaei (Iran), Myriam Vaucher Winterhalter (Suisse).




International Groups


In Istanbul (Turkey) Istanbul, directed by Pr Tevfika Ikiz


In Athens (Greece) directed by Daniella Angueli


In Rio de Janeiro (Brasil),  directed by  Marilia Arreguy




A2IP - Association Internationale Interactions de la Psychanalyse

8 rue du Cdt Mouchotte,

75014 PARIS       

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